An outdoor treasure hunt is a great way to consolidate directional and positional vocabulary in a foreign language. The example is in French but it could be adapted for any language.
- A defined route around your grounds
- Some treasure at the end of the treasure hunt, like croissants if it’s in French!
- A set of direction cards placed along the route
- Practice of directional and positional language in class!
À droite – to the right
À gauche – to the left
À gauche – to the left
Tournez – turn
Continuez toute droite – continue straight on
(Trois) pas – (three) steps
(Trois) pas – (three) steps
Passez – pass
Nord, sud, l’est, l’ouest – north, south, east, west
Au dessus – above
Au dessous – below
Nord, sud, l’est, l’ouest – north, south, east, west
Au dessus – above
Au dessous – below
En face – opposite
À côté de – next
À côté de – next
1. Give the children the first clue at the starting point
2. At each point on the way the children should find a new instruction to guide them to the next point
3. At the end point they will discover the treasure – “Au dessous du banc” (under the bench) for example.
Add a Challenge!
Teams of pupils could design their own individual treasure trails and test whether another group is able to locate the treasure based upon their instructions.
Teams of pupils could design their own individual treasure trails and test whether another group is able to locate the treasure based upon their instructions.
*This free resource was found at